Frog Brigade
Boston, MA
Avalon Ballroom

Lineup: Les Claypool - Bass, Eenor - Guitar, Skerik - Saxophone, Mike Dillon - Percussion, Dean Johnson - Drums


Up on the Roof
Ding Dang
Long in the Tooth
The Intruder
Lights in the Sky >
Drums >
2000 Light Years from Home
David Makalaster I
David Makalaster II
Buzzards of Green Hill
Holy Mackerel
D's Diner

Groundhog's Day

- Ben Barnes and Sam Bass sat in on David Makalaster I
- Andrew Clark sat in on saxaphone for Hendershot and Groundhog's Day
- Toys Go Winding Down tease during Long in the Tooth
- Jaws tease during Hendershot
- Southbound Pachyderm tease during David Makalaster I
- Jerry Was A Race Car Driver, Bob and My Name is Mud teases during Buzzards of Green Hill
- My Name is Mud tease during Holy Mackerel